Mokchokpa Rinchen Tsöndrü

From Shangpa Resource Center
Revision as of 13:44, 3 August 2024 by Sengue (talk | contribs)

Resource ID P4
Date of Birth 1100~1110 Date of Death 1183
External links Shangpa Foundation
BUDA P1984
Rangjung Yeshe Wiki

Name Variants

rin chen brtson 'grus
rat+na bIr+ya / bir+ya / biR+Ya
rmog lcog pa
rmog lcogs pa
rmog cog pa
rmog bcog pa


Khyungpo Neljor
Jé Gampopa
Shangom Chöseng
Khampa A Seng
Burgom Nakpo
Könchok Khar
nyag mo ba'i dge bshes dkon mkhar ba?
Yorpo Gyamoché
Ngültön Rinwang
Phamo Drupa Dorjé Gyelpo
Geshé Dzarawa
Nyangom Göpo
dge bshes gar / 'gar pa
dge bshes cha / phya / phywa pa?
dge bshes phyu pa chos kyi seng ge?
rgya grags bsod
slob dpon zhang (Shang Rinpoché?)
dge bshes 'bal sgom phyag na / bal sgom
bla ma spen phug pa? (Kadampa UT1PD90704_I1PD90708_0000)


Öntön Kyergangpa
Lopön Jotsün
Sherab Repa
Phamo Drupa Dorjé Gyelpo
Shamar Tsültrim Pel
Gangpa Rinchen Öser

Associated Places

Associated works


Associated to work


Fourth Jewel among the Seven Shangpa Jewels, he is one of the six heart-disciple of Khyungpo Neljor.