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# (kha) [[Rmog lcog pa'i rnam thar|rin chen pa rmog cog pa'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar ba]] (p. 77)
# (kha) [[Rmog lcog pa'i rnam thar|rin chen pa rmog cog pa'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar ba]] (p. 77)
# (ga) [[Skyer sgang pa'i rnam thar|grub thob chen po skyer pa sgang pa'i rnam thar]] (p. 151)
# (ga) [[Skyer sgang pa'i rnam thar|grub thob chen po skyer pa sgang pa'i rnam thar]] (p. 151)
# (nga) [[Skyer sgang pa'i bka' rgya ma|grub thob chen po skyer sgang pa'i gsang ba'i rnam thar lags so]] (p. 199)
# (nga) [[Skyer sgang pa'i bka' rgya ma|grub thob chen po skyer sgang pa'i gsang ba'i rnam thar]] (p. 199)
# (ca) [[sangs rgyas gnyan ston gyi rnam thar]] (p. 219)
# (ca) [[Ri gong pa'i rnam thar|sangs rgyas gnyan ston gyi rnam thar]] (p. 219)
# (cha) [[grub thob chen po sangs rgyas ston pa'i rnam thar]] (p. 285)
# (cha) [[Chos rje'i rnam par thar pa|grub thob chen po sangs rgyas ston pa'i rnam thar]] (p. 285)
# (ka) [[ni gu chos drug gi 'jug sgo yon tan kun 'byung zhes bya ba]] (p. 373)
# (ka) [[Rgyud sde lnga sogs ni gu chos drug gi 'jug sgo yon tan kun 'byung ma|ni gu chos drug gi 'jug sgo yon tan kun 'byung zhes bya ba]] (p. 373)
# (kha) [[ni gu chos drug gi sgyu lus kyi dbang]] (p. 409)
# (kha) [[ni gu chos drug gi sgyu lus kyi dbang]] (p. 409)
# (ga) [[lam dri ma med pa 'od kyi phreng ba ('od kyi phreng ba / sangyé Tönpa ?)]] (p. 417)
# (ga) [[lam dri ma med pa 'od kyi phreng ba ('od kyi phreng ba / sangyé Tönpa ?)]] (p. 417)

Revision as of 17:29, 14 January 2019

spyi lo 2008lor bsam 'grub kyis nyar tshags byas pa'i sde dge'i dmangs khrod kyi gna' dpe bris ma'i glog rdul 'dra bshus (work in progress)

BDRC link: O3CN1735

Volume 8

  1. (ka) khyung po rnal 'byor pa'i rnam thar dri ma med pa (p. 3)
  2. (kha) rin chen pa rmog cog pa'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar ba (p. 77)
  3. (ga) grub thob chen po skyer pa sgang pa'i rnam thar (p. 151)
  4. (nga) grub thob chen po skyer sgang pa'i gsang ba'i rnam thar (p. 199)
  5. (ca) sangs rgyas gnyan ston gyi rnam thar (p. 219)
  6. (cha) grub thob chen po sangs rgyas ston pa'i rnam thar (p. 285)
  7. (ka) ni gu chos drug gi 'jug sgo yon tan kun 'byung zhes bya ba (p. 373)
  8. (kha) ni gu chos drug gi sgyu lus kyi dbang (p. 409)
  9. (ga) lam dri ma med pa 'od kyi phreng ba ('od kyi phreng ba / sangyé Tönpa ?) (p. 417)
  10. (nga) chos drug sgos dka' lags so (p. 439)
  11. (ca) phyag rgya chen po ga'u ma'i rdo rje'i tshig rkang (p. 465)
  12. (cha) sgyu ma lam khyer gyi dbang bskur lags so (p. 467)
  13. (ja) bka' brgyud kyi gsol 'debs (p. 473)
  14. (tha) chos drug rdo rje'i tshig rkang them yig (p. 453)
  15. (pa) sgyu ma lam rim rtsa tshig (p. 525)
  16. (pha) sgyu ma lam gyi sa bcad (p. 557)
  17. (ba) sgyu ma lam gyi 'brel pa (p. 561)
  18. (tsa) sgyu lus 'dzin pa rang grol (p. 479)
  19. (tsha) sgyu lus kyi sbyong ba rnam gnyis (p. 491)
  20. (wa) 'byam(s) gcod (p. 503)
    'a) dernière page (texte incomplet) du 'chug med bar do gsum gyi gdams pa (instructions sur la non errance dans les trois bardos, Khyungpo Neljor, v8p187) (p. )
  21. (zha) 'od gsal 'char sgo ngos 'dzin (p. 515)
  22. (la) rdo rje'i tshig rkang / khyad 'phags lam khyer rnam gsum (p. 459)
  23. (sa) khyad 'phags lam khyer rnam gsum (p. 341)
  24. (ha) zhus len gegs sel rin chen sgron ma (p. 257)
  25. (a) zhus len zla ba'i dkyil 'khor nyon mongs gdung sel (p. 367)