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2771. [[Byin gyis brlabs pa nag po chen po zhal gsum phyag drug pa khrag 'thung gi sgrub pa|byin gyis brlabs pa nag po chen po'i sgrub thabs]] (p. 445)<br />
2771. [[Byin gyis brlabs pa nag po chen po zhal gsum phyag drug pa khrag 'thung gi sgrub pa|byin gyis brlabs pa nag po chen po'i sgrub thabs]] (p. 445)<br />
2783. [[Mgon po zhal gsum phyag drug pa'i sgrub thabs bsdus pa bram ze chen pos mdzad pa|nag po chen po'i sgrub thabs]] (p. 494)<br />
2783. [[Mgon po zhal gsum phyag drug pa'i sgrub thabs bsdus pa bram ze chen pos mdzad pa|nag po chen po'i sgrub thabs]] (p. 494)<br />
2784. dpal nag po chen po byin brlabs can gyi sgrub pa'i thabs
2784. dpal nag po chen po byin brlabs can gyi sgrub pa'i thabs (p.516: author lo ts+tsha ba phur bu 'od, could be Kyungpo Neljor) <br />
2856. [[Dpal rgyud sde lnga'i rgya gzhung|rgyud sde lnga'i sgrub thabs de kho na nyid bsdus pa]] (p. 902)<br />
2856. [[Dpal rgyud sde lnga'i rgya gzhung|rgyud sde lnga'i sgrub thabs de kho na nyid bsdus pa]] (p. 902)<br />
2863. [['chi med grub pa'i 'grel pa|'chi med grub pa'i 'grel pa g.yung drung grub pa]] (p. 1274)
2863. [['chi med grub pa'i 'grel pa|'chi med grub pa'i 'grel pa g.yung drung grub pa]] (p. 1274)

Revision as of 11:32, 30 July 2024

bstan 'gyur dpe bsdur ma

Comparative edition of the Tengyur with annotations and references.
BDRC link: W1PD95844

Volume 5
191. dpal dgyes pa rdo rje'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga (p. 1456)

Volume 26
2514. bdud rtsi grub pa'i rtsa ba (p. 842)

Volume 42
2514. chos drug rdo rje'i tshig rkang (p. 842)
2515. rang shar phyag rgya chen po'i rdo rje'i tshig rkang (p. 846)
2516. chos spyod mi dge rang grol (p. 850)
2517. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa myur du sgrub pa (p. 855)
2518. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga (p. 859)
2519. dpal 'chi med ye shes chen po (p. 864)
2520. rang shar phyag rgya chen po'i rdo rje'i tshig rkang (p. 868)
2521. rang grol phyag rgya chen po (p. 871)
2522. lam khyer gyi chos gsum (p. 874)
2523. sgyu ma lam gyi rim pa (p. 878)
2524. sgyu ma lam gyi rim pa'i 'grel pa (p. 900)
2525. DA ki'i zhal gdams (p. 948)
2526. ni gu ma'i gdams pa (p. 950)
2527. DA ki ma'i zhal gdams (p. 952)
2528. DA ki'i zhal gdams dug gsum zhi byed (p. 954)
2529. DA ki ma'i zhal gdams (p. 957)

Volume 47
2771. byin gyis brlabs pa nag po chen po'i sgrub thabs (p. 445)
2783. nag po chen po'i sgrub thabs (p. 494)
2784. dpal nag po chen po byin brlabs can gyi sgrub pa'i thabs (p.516: author lo ts+tsha ba phur bu 'od, could be Kyungpo Neljor)
2856. rgyud sde lnga'i sgrub thabs de kho na nyid bsdus pa (p. 902)
2863. 'chi med grub pa'i 'grel pa g.yung drung grub pa (p. 1274)