Lalitavajra 2

From Shangpa Resource Center
Revision as of 17:58, 16 May 2019 by Sengue (talk | contribs)

"Indian Ancestors (5th–11th)" is not in the list (5th–11th, 11th–13th, 13th–16th, 16th–18th, 18th–20th, 20th–Present, Unknown) of allowed values for the "PersonClassification" property.
Resource ID P153
Date of Birth 11th c.? Date of Death Unknown

Name Variants

paN+Di ta rol pa'i rdo rje


Khyungpo Neljor


According to the biography of Khyungpo Neljor, Lalitavajra transmitted: lha mo dang mgon po'i sgrub thabs brgyad cu / phyi rol pa dang nang pa'i phyir bzlog /nyi khros kyi rgyud / thog dbab bsrung / sman dpyad sde skor bdun.