Aryadeva 2
From Shangpa Resource Center
Resource ID | P453 | ||
Date of Birth | 10~11th c.? | Date of Death | After 1000? |
Name Variants
āryadevaAr+ya de ba
paN+Di ta Ar+ya de wa
ar+ya dA+e ba
slob dpon ar+yA de wa
SukhasiddhiNagarjuna 2
Khyungpo NeljorTilopa
According to the biography of Khyungpo Neljor, they met during the second trip of Khyungpo Neljor to India.In the Shangpa texts, this master's name is usually spelled in sanskrit. Confused with Aryadeva written 'phags pa lha in SCv5p439, taken up in Catalog of transmissions recieved by Jamgön Kongtrül. The master in BDRC P7401 is probably a mix of the two.
Lineage: Sukhasiddhi > Aryadeva 2: SCv1p59
Lineage: Nagarjuna 2 > Aryadeva 2: SCv5p439