Name Variants
a tu la badz+ra
a tu lya badz+ra
a thu la badz+ra
a du la badz+ra
mi mnyam rdo rje
Khyungpo Neljor
From The Biographies of Rechungpa: The Evolution of a Tibetan Hagiography: "Atulyavajra a.k.a Atulyadāsa, Atulyadāsavajra, Atulyavajra, Atulyapāda Adulopa and Aduladhasa, was one of the seven 'middle-ranking pupils of Maitripa, as was Tipupa. He was one of the four most famous masters in Nepal during the 1080s and assisted on the translation of eight canonical texts, three of them with Ngok Loden Sherab (rngog blo Idan shes rab, 1059-1109) who came to Nepal in the mid 1090s and one with Ban Rinchen Drak (ba ri rin chen grags, born 1040).