Difference between revisions of "Classifications"

From Shangpa Resource Center
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* [[snying thig phyag rgya chen po ga'u ma'i sngon 'gro ngag 'don bskal bzang gdul bya 'dzin pa'i bka' brgyud thugs rje'i lcags kyu]] (W1KG11959, ''dbu med'')
* [[snying thig phyag rgya chen po ga'u ma'i sngon 'gro ngag 'don bskal bzang gdul bya 'dzin pa'i bka' brgyud thugs rje'i lcags kyu]] (W1KG11959, ''dbu med'')
* [[gangs can sgrub brgyud shing rta lnga pa dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi gser chos nI gu chos drug gi brgyud 'debs]] (WA0XL2A0A4415D1AC)
* [[gangs can sgrub brgyud shing rta lnga pa dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi gser chos nI gu chos drug gi brgyud 'debs]] (WA0XL2A0A4415D1AC)
* [[sgyu ma lam rim gyi gsal byed nor bu'i them skas]] (MW1KG8897)
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==༄ History and biographies<br />==
==༄ History and biographies<br />==

Revision as of 09:58, 23 August 2024

༄ General classification of the Shangpa teachings

Catalogs of transmissions (gsan yig)

༄ The Shangpa Collections

Collections linked to the Dashang Kagyü

Collections linked to the Jonang

Collections linked to the Sakya

Collections linked to the Drukpa Kagyü

Collection linked to the Geluk

Collection linked to the Nyingma

Miscellaneous collections

Miscellaneous texts

༄ History and biographies