Gsung 'bum tA ra nA tha dpe bsdur ma

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gsung 'bum tA ra nA tha dpe bsdur ma (work in progress)

Tāranātha's Collected Works in 45 western style paperback volumes, under the auspices of the dpal brtsegs bod yig dpe rnying zhib 'jug khang. This edition was compiled from old manuscripts kept in a library in Drepung monastery.

BDRC link: W1PD45495

Volume 24
ni gu'i lugs kyi bde mchog lha lnga'i dbang chog
ni gu lugs kyi bde mchog lha lnga'i mngon rtogs
zab lam ni gu chos drug gi 'khrid yig zab don thang mar brdal ba zhes bya ba bklags chog ma
ni gu'i 'khrid yig bsdus pa
zab lam ni gu chos drug gi gzhung 'khrid ma mo'i lhan thabs kha skong

Volume 34
dpal ldan shangs pa'i chos skor gyi 'byung khungs yid kyi mun sel (to input)

Volume 38
grub thob shangs pa bka' rgyud kyi thabs lam gser gyi phung po (to input))

Volume 39
nai gus brgyud 'debs a yig chos 'byung ma