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From Shangpa Resource Center
(53 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<p>General classification : This section consist of traditional catalogues of Shangpa texts by Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé and Gyurmé Dechen. Each catalogue is significant and sorts the texts of the tradition.</p>
<p>'''General classification''': This section consist of traditional catalogues of Shangpa texts by Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé and Gyurmé Dechen. Each catalogue is significant and sorts the texts of the tradition.</p>
<p>The Shangpa Collections : This section includes the charts of different collections of Shangpa texts. Each chart has hypertext links to its own texts and each text includes up to several links to the original manuscripts available on The Buddhist Digital Archives (BUDA by the BDRC).</p>
<p>'''The Shangpa Collections''': This section includes the charts of various collections of Shangpa texts. Each chart has hypertext links to its own texts and each text includes up to several links to the original manuscripts available on The Buddhist Digital Archives (BUDA by the BDRC).</p>
<p>'''General History''': This section brings together extracts from books containing informations relating to the Shangpa lineage and its masters.</p>
<h3>[[Topics]]</h3>This section enables a direct access to the texts related to their main subject. Those subjects are selected based on the catalogues of Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé.
<h3>[[Topics]]</h3>This section enables a direct access to the texts related to their main subject. Those subjects are selected based on the catalogues of Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé.
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<h3>[[Persons]] & [[Places]]</h3>Those sections contain information about people and places found in the various Shangpa texts.
<h3>[[Persons]] & [[Places]]</h3>Those sections contain information about people and places found in the various Shangpa texts.
<h3>Search the library</h3> The search engine has to be improved to enable searches in unicode texts. Works in wylie transliteration and english.
<h3>Search the library</h3> The search engine has to be improved to enable searches in unicode texts. Works in wylie transliteration and english. <br/>Link for a list of [https://www.shanpafoundation-resourcecenter.net/index.php?title=Category:Text all texts].
<h3>Translations</h3> Some translations (in the form of PDF files) are available according to your accreditation. Please [https://www.shanpafoundation-resourcecenter.net/index.php?title=Special:ContactUs contact us].
<h3>Translations</h3> Some translations (in the form of PDF files) are available according to your accreditation. Please [https://www.shanpafoundation-resourcecenter.net/index.php?title=Special:ContactUs contact us].
<h2>New material</h2>''2023-01-22'' [[mkha' spyod ma dkar mo'i byin rlabs kyi bka']] + dbang gi cho ga by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].
<h2>New material</h2>''2024-10-10'' karcha of [[gtsang rnam gling khul gyi dgon sde'i gnas bshad dad pa'i dmigs bu]] by [http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P1KG26484 rdo rje tshe dbang].
''2023-01-20'' [['chi med ye shes kyi khrid]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2024-10-06'' karcha of [[rnam gling gi lo rgyus rig gnas mdor bstan]] by [http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P3CN26993 'od yug bstan 'dzin].<br/>
''2022-10-14'' dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi chos 'byung gser chos zhing gi sa bon [[dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi chos 'byung gser chos zhing gi sa bon|part 1]] and [[Dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi chos 'byung gser chos zhing gi sa bon - part 2|part 2]] by ''rdo rje tshe dbang''.<br/>
''2024-09-08'' Excerpt from [[khrid brgya'i brgyud pa'i lo rgyus kha skong]] by [[Jetsün Taranatha]]<br/>
''2022-05-31'' [[Nyin gcig gi bza' btung byin rlabs mkhas grub khyung po'i zhal gdams]] by [[Kalu Dorjé Chang]].<br/>
''2024-08-23'' [[sgyu ma lam rim gyi gsal byed nor bu'i them skas]] by [[Shakya Choden]].<br/>
''2022-04-07'' [[sde brgyad srog gi 'khor lo]] by [[Khyungpo Neljor]].<br/>
''2024-08-16'' [[gangs can sgrub brgyud shing rta lnga pa dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi gser chos nI gu chos drug gi brgyud 'debs]] by [[Dilgo Khyentsé Trashi Peljor]].<br/>
''2022-04-04'' [[lha mo re ma ti'i sgrub thabs kun gyi bcud bsdus gnad bskul]] by [[Sangyé Tönpa]].<br/>
''2024-08-15'' Cataloguing of [[gsang sgrub skor gsum]] by [[Ngawang Chödrak]] and [[Sönam Tsemo]].<br/>
''2022-04-02'' [[bsgrub khrigs yid bzhin nor bu]] by [[Khyungpo Neljor]].<br/>
''2024-06-23'' Excerpts from [[rnam gling gi lo rgyus rig gnas mdor bstan]] by [http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P3CN26993 'od yug bstan 'dzin].<br/>
''2022-04-01'' [[mgon po'i gnad 'bebs dngos grub kun 'byung]] by [[Khyungpo Neljor]].<br/>
''2024-06-08'' Excerpt from [[chos 'byung mkhas pa'i dga' ston]] by dpa' bo 02 gtsug lag 'phreng ba.<br/>
''2022-04-01'' [[phyag drug pa'i khrid yig]] by [[Sangyé Tönpa]].<br/>  
''2024-06-07'' Excerpt from [[chos 'byung bstan pa'i padma rgyas pa'i nyin byed]] by 'brug chen 04 pad+ma dkar po.<br/>
''2022-03-28'' [[gtso 'khor rnams kyi dbang bskur skabs dang skang bshags dus su 'kho ba rgyan gyi mnga' dbul]] by [[Khyungpo Neljor]].<br/>
''2024-06-05'' Excerpt from [[deb ther sngon po]] by 'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal.<br/>
''2022-03-20'' [[mgon po snying zhugs kyi gdams pa 'pho ba dang bcas pa]]<br/>
''2024-05-12'' [[rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan pa'i rnam thar gsal byed dngul dkar me long]].<br/>
''2022-03-05'' [[mkhas grub khyung po'i zhal gdam ngag byin brlab sogs]]<br/>
''2024-04-25'' [[snyan brgyud kyi man ngag rdo rje'i tshig gi mdud 'grol]].<br/>
''2022-03-01'' Exerpts from the [[Catalog of transmissions recieved by Künga Drölchok|catalog of transmissions]] (''gsan yig'') recieved by [[Künga Drölchok]] (1495/1507-1566)<br/>  
''2024-04-25'' Cataloguing of [[skye sku zhang 'gu dgon gyi a gros nyar tshags byed pa'i dpe rnying rtsa chen skor]].<br/>
''2022-02-22'' [['od zer chen po'i mchog dbang]]<br/>
''2024-04-07'' [['byams gcod 2]].<br/>
''2022-02-19'' [[dpal ma hA ka la phyag drug pa'i las tshogs rgya gzhung dang bcas pa]]<br/>
''2024-04-03'' [[bar do gsum gyi gdams pa bsdus pa]] by [[Rinchen Lodrö]]?.<br/>
''2022-02-17'' [[dug gsum dag byed zhal gyi bdud rtsi]] (Sangyé Nyentön) and [[Dug gsum dag byed zhal gyi bdud rtsi'i zhal shes|zhal shes]].<br/>
''2024-03-31'' [['byams gcod rnam gsum bsdus pa]] by [[Nenyingpa Aï Sengé]].<br/>
''2022-02-14'' [[snang pa sems su btsan thabs su ngo sprod pa'i gdams pa]] (author unknown).<br/>
''2024-03-29'' [[chos drug gi gsung sgros]] completed.<br/>
''2022-02-11'' Update: [[bde mchog lha lnga'i mchod phreng]] and [[bde mchog lha lnga'i mngon rtogs mnyam med pas mdzad pa]]<br/>
''2024-03-29'' [[ni gu chos drug gi khrid yig mkhas btsun gzhon nu grub kyis mdzad pa]] by [[Shönu Drup]].<br/>
''2022-02-05'' [[lus gsum 'chi med rang grol]] and [[sgyu lus rmi lam gyi 'byams gcod]] + annotated version.<br/>
''2024-03-29'' [[rje btsun phyogs las rnam rgyal gyis mdzad pa'i ne gu chos drug gi brgyud rim gsol 'debs]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2022-01-20'' [[shangs lugs nyams len zhal gdams phrin las la gnang ba]] and [[bya rgod pa phrin las o rgyan chos 'phel ba gnang ba]] by [[Minling Lochen Dharma Shri]].<br/>
''2024-01-29'' [[tshogs rnams kyi zur 'debs kyi zhal shes shin tu gsang ba'i yig chung rnams]] by [[Gelek Pelsang]].<br/><br/>
''2022-01-15'' [[zab lam ni gu'i chos drug gi khrid yig ye shes mkha' 'gro'i zhal gyi lung]] and [[zab lam ni gu'i chos drug gi dmigs rim mdor bsdus pa gnad don gsal ba'i me long]].<br/>
''2023-04-09'' Cataloguing of [https://www.shanpafoundation-resourcecenter.net/index.php?title=BDRC_W8LS36545 untitled volume W8LS36545].<br/>
''2022-01-12'' [[mgon po snying zhugs 'pho ba dang bcas pa'i dmigs rim rgyun gyi rnal 'byor du bya ba'i tshul]].<br/>
''2023-03-30'' [[ni gu chos drug gi khrid yig]] by [[Shönu Drup]].<br/>
''2022-01-08'' excerpts from [[bstan 'gyur dpe bsdur ma|Tengyur ''dpe bsdur ma'']].<br/>
''2023-03-12'' [[chos rje'i rnam par thar pa]] updated.<br/>
''2022-01-03'' [[rje btsun ma'i tshes bcu'i mchod pa]] (author unknown).<br/>
''2023-02-23'' [[bdag med ma'i nang khrid]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2022-01-03'' [[dpal 'khor lo sdom pa myur du sgrub pa'i lag len]] (author unknown).<br/>
''2023-02-18'' [['khrul 'khor phyag len]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2022-01-03'' [[su kha sid+d+hi'i gsang sgrub byin brlabs kyi bka']] (author unknown).<br/>  
''2023-02-16'' [[tshogs 'khor sdus pa'i lag len]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2021-12-24'' Cataloging of vol. 57 of [[gsung 'bum phyogs las rnam rgyal]].<br/>
''2023-02-14'' [[khrid kyi rim pa]] and [[tsog pu'i yon tan]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2021-12-24'' [[su kha ma'i chos drug]] (author unknown).<br/>
''2023-02-12'' [[sgyu lus 'dzin pa rang grol|sgyu lus 'dzin pa rang grol (alternative version)]].<br/>
''2021-12-02'' [[sbas don gyi zhal shes]] (author unknown, linked to [[Tsangma Shangtön]]).<br/>
''2023-02-11'' [[khyad 'phags 'od gsal 'char sgo ngos 'dzin]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]], a version of [[khyad 'phags 'char sgo ngos 'dzin]] of Sangyé Tönpa and Aï Sengé.<br/>
''2021-12-01'' [[bla ma ra hu la'i rgyud sde lnga'i zhal gdams]] (author unknown).<br/>
''2023-02-11'' [[chos drug gi zin dris]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2021-11-28'' [[sems 'chi med kyi bka']] (author unknown).<br/>
''2023-01-22'' [[mkha' spyod ma dkar mo'i byin rlabs kyi bka']] + dbang gi cho ga by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].<br/>
''2021-11-21'' [[rgyud pa'i gsol 'debs che chung gsum]] (Jakpa lineage).<br/>  
''2023-01-20'' [['chi med ye shes kyi khrid]] by [[Bodong Cholé Namgyel]].
''2021-11-21'' [[gtor ma'i de nyid bdud rtsi'i dga' ston]] by Shamar 5 Könchok Yenlak.<br/>
''2021-10-21'' [[Smon lam don kun lhun grub lha yi rnga gsang]] by [[Dilgo Khyentsé Trashi Peljor]].<br/>
''2021-07-26'' [[sgyu lus gdan thog gcig ma 2]] associated to [[Sangyé Tönpa]] and [['chi med kyi dbang bskur]].<br/>
''2021-07-23'' [[phyag rgya chen po ga'u ma'i dbang bskur]] by [[Tsangma Shangtön]].<br/>
''2021-07-13'' [[bde mchog lha lnga'i mngon rtogs mnyam med pas mdzad pa]] by [[Sangyé Pelsang]].<br/>
''2021-07-12'' Added the final part to [['byams gcod]].<br/>
''2021-06-23'' [[BDRC W8LS32725]].<br/>
''2021-04-27'' Added places: [[Rabjor]],[[Takpel]],[[Damkar]],[[Benchen]].<br/>
''2021-04-22'' Important collection [[BDRC W3CN18508]] (3 vol. ''dbu med'') has been updated. Minor corrections in [['byams gcod]].

Latest revision as of 12:27, 10 October 2024



The Shangpa Kagyü Resource Center intends to form a collaborative and multilingual platform to share and preserve digital texts and information concerning the Shangpa Kagyü lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. This database for translation work, research and university studies aims at facilitating cooperation and exchanges in projects of common interest, thereby enriching the lineage and its teachings.


The Shangpa Kagyu Resource Center is a participative project that will evolve according to contributions, thanks to international collaboration. Masters, Dharma Centers and practitioners are welcome to participate in the gathering of documents that will benefit the Shangpa lineage and all sentient beings.



General classification: This section consist of traditional catalogues of Shangpa texts by Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé and Gyurmé Dechen. Each catalogue is significant and sorts the texts of the tradition.

The Shangpa Collections: This section includes the charts of various collections of Shangpa texts. Each chart has hypertext links to its own texts and each text includes up to several links to the original manuscripts available on The Buddhist Digital Archives (BUDA by the BDRC).

General History: This section brings together extracts from books containing informations relating to the Shangpa lineage and its masters.


This section enables a direct access to the texts related to their main subject. Those subjects are selected based on the catalogues of Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé.

Persons & Places

Those sections contain information about people and places found in the various Shangpa texts.

Search the library

The search engine has to be improved to enable searches in unicode texts. Works in wylie transliteration and english.
Link for a list of all texts.


Some translations (in the form of PDF files) are available according to your accreditation. Please contact us.

New material

2024-10-10 karcha of gtsang rnam gling khul gyi dgon sde'i gnas bshad dad pa'i dmigs bu by rdo rje tshe dbang.

2024-10-06 karcha of rnam gling gi lo rgyus rig gnas mdor bstan by 'od yug bstan 'dzin.
2024-09-08 Excerpt from khrid brgya'i brgyud pa'i lo rgyus kha skong by Jetsün Taranatha
2024-08-23 sgyu ma lam rim gyi gsal byed nor bu'i them skas by Shakya Choden.
2024-08-16 gangs can sgrub brgyud shing rta lnga pa dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi gser chos nI gu chos drug gi brgyud 'debs by Dilgo Khyentsé Trashi Peljor.
2024-08-15 Cataloguing of gsang sgrub skor gsum by Ngawang Chödrak and Sönam Tsemo.
2024-06-23 Excerpts from rnam gling gi lo rgyus rig gnas mdor bstan by 'od yug bstan 'dzin.
2024-06-08 Excerpt from chos 'byung mkhas pa'i dga' ston by dpa' bo 02 gtsug lag 'phreng ba.
2024-06-07 Excerpt from chos 'byung bstan pa'i padma rgyas pa'i nyin byed by 'brug chen 04 pad+ma dkar po.
2024-06-05 Excerpt from deb ther sngon po by 'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal.
2024-05-12 rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan pa'i rnam thar gsal byed dngul dkar me long.
2024-04-25 snyan brgyud kyi man ngag rdo rje'i tshig gi mdud 'grol.
2024-04-25 Cataloguing of skye sku zhang 'gu dgon gyi a gros nyar tshags byed pa'i dpe rnying rtsa chen skor.
2024-04-07 'byams gcod 2.
2024-04-03 bar do gsum gyi gdams pa bsdus pa by Rinchen Lodrö?.
2024-03-31 'byams gcod rnam gsum bsdus pa by Nenyingpa Aï Sengé.
2024-03-29 chos drug gi gsung sgros completed.
2024-03-29 ni gu chos drug gi khrid yig mkhas btsun gzhon nu grub kyis mdzad pa by Shönu Drup.
2024-03-29 rje btsun phyogs las rnam rgyal gyis mdzad pa'i ne gu chos drug gi brgyud rim gsol 'debs by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.
2024-01-29 tshogs rnams kyi zur 'debs kyi zhal shes shin tu gsang ba'i yig chung rnams by Gelek Pelsang.

2023-04-09 Cataloguing of untitled volume W8LS36545.
2023-03-30 ni gu chos drug gi khrid yig by Shönu Drup.
2023-03-12 chos rje'i rnam par thar pa updated.
2023-02-23 bdag med ma'i nang khrid by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.
2023-02-18 'khrul 'khor phyag len by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.
2023-02-16 tshogs 'khor sdus pa'i lag len by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.
2023-02-14 khrid kyi rim pa and tsog pu'i yon tan by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.
2023-02-12 sgyu lus 'dzin pa rang grol (alternative version).
2023-02-11 khyad 'phags 'od gsal 'char sgo ngos 'dzin by Bodong Cholé Namgyel, a version of khyad 'phags 'char sgo ngos 'dzin of Sangyé Tönpa and Aï Sengé.
2023-02-11 chos drug gi zin dris by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.
2023-01-22 mkha' spyod ma dkar mo'i byin rlabs kyi bka' + dbang gi cho ga by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.

2023-01-20 'chi med ye shes kyi khrid by Bodong Cholé Namgyel.