Könchok Khar

From Shangpa Resource Center

Resource ID P78
Date of Birth 1084~96 Date of Death 1171~83
External links BDRC P52

Name Variants

la stod pa dkon mchog mkhar
gnas rnying pa dkon mchog mkhar
la stod pa chen po
la stod dkon mkhar ba
dge bshes dkon 'khar ba


Khyungpo Neljor
Sherab Bar
Sachen Künga Nyingpo


Öntön Kyergangpa
Mokchokpa Rinchen Tsöndrü
Phamo Drupa Dorjé Gyelpo
nying/nyi phug pa chos kyi grags pa BDRC P4191
dbang phyug rin chen BDRC P7155 / P0RK1513

Associated Places

Associated works

Associated to work


Könchok Khar is one of the six heart-disciple of Khyungpo Neljor. See Roberto Vitali p.544

Lineage: Sherab Bar > Könchok Khar: sa skya bka' 'bum