Jetsün Taranatha

From Shangpa Resource Center
Revision as of 16:17, 20 July 2024 by Sengue (talk | contribs)

Resource ID P20
Date of Birth 1575 Date of Death 1635
External links Shangpa Foundation
The Treasury of Lives
BDRC P1428
Rangjung Yeshe Wiki

Name Variants

rje btsun tA ra nA tha
sgrol ba'i mgon po
kun dga’ snying po bkra shis rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po
rje btsun rwa lo tsA ba gsum pa


Chöku Lhawang Drakpa
Lungrik Gyamtso
Künga Gyeltsen
mkhas dbang byams pa lhun grub P3978
ye shes dbang po
kun dga' bkra shis


Yeshé Gyamtso
Lodrö Namgyel
Mokchokpa Jatang Künga Yeshé
Künga Sönam
Künga Tenpé Gyeltsen
Künga Rinchen Gyamtso
Ngawang Chödrak
Künga Trinlé Wangmo

Associated Places

Associated works


Associated to work